The Adventures of Agent X! - Chapter 9 - FastDetectiveKudo (2024)

Chapter Text

***It shows the cuddly penguin icon as that it flies on out of here***

Kind Old Granny: Hey there, people! Kind Old Granny here. Welcome to the Cuddly Penguin Show! Shall we sing our song? ***She then leans in to the audience there with her ears*** Okay!

***It then shows the agents of OTS come charging in as they proceed to go grab the Kind Old Granny as he kidnaps her as he puts her in a sack and throws her in a truck***

OTS agent: I am so sorry, Kind Old Granny! We need this timeslot urgently.

OTS agent: Clear?

***Multiple agents says "CLEAR!" at different times***



*Prologue begins at Agent X's house*

Lime Hoban: At Agent X's house, seems that danger has been going on around afoot. Due to the horrible stuff that has been going down around in his life since some few years ago involving Leonard Bone's kidnapping,.... Frank has not been the same again as that he has been ticked off as well as still miserable. He has been so worried that he has been wanting to rip his hair out. My name is Lime Hoban and it is my solemn duty to record everything on what is going on in Agent X's life there.

Logan: Hmm............ getting bored. So............ bored.

Agent Nicholson: Yeah, same.

Agent X: Mm-hmm. So, what do you want to do? You want to go out and patrol what is going on out there or......?

***Alarm rings***

Major Schroeder: We have an emergency, agents! And it's not good!

Agent X: What is it, Major Schroeder? If it's that bad, then bring it on! We'll take them down!

Major Schroeder: Dr. John Johnson and Scar are up to no good again! They have put dynamite in the Grand Island dam and they're currently outside of it and that it seems that they're getting ready to blow it up!

Agent X: We're on it, sir!

***The agents gets to the Agent X Mobile***

***They then drive off***

***Scene shifts to the Grand Island dam***

Agent X: Stop right there, Dr. Johnson and Scar!

Agent Nicholson: You will not try to blow up that dam!

Dr. Johnson: Ahh, if it isn't Agent X and his friends! You're too late!

Scar: In about a few minutes, the dam is going to explode into a million pieces! And that there's nothing you can do to stop us!

Agent X: Oh yeah!? Well, take this! *Punches Dr. Johnson in the face*

*Agent Nicholson kicks Scar in the back*

*The other agents then try to disable the dynamite (TNT)*

Agent Nicholson: Quickly! Disable all of the dynamite!

Agent Stock: Wait. I got an idea! *Grabs the TNT as he throws all of the dynamite far away*

Dr. Johnson: WHAT!? Impossible! BUT HOW!?

Agent X: End of the line, Dr. Johnson! Give up now and nobody gets hurt!

Scar: That is where you're wrong, Agent X! You see, we have came up with a device to make sure that your team doesn't remember anything of what they do.

Dr. Johnson: That is right. BEHOLD! The Amnesia RAY! It makes people forget things. Once they forget it, there is no way to be able to try to bring them back to the way they were! And now, time for your memories to be erased!

Agent Logan Stock: Oh no!

Agent Nicholson: YIKES!Agent X: Don't worry, guys. I'll handle this.

Agent X: Yep, I have to protect you. If I get hit and if I don't remember anything, tell Sadie Boucher that I love her.

Dr. Johnson: Ready............ aim............ FIRE! *Pushes the button*

*The ray is about to hit the team, but Agent X blocks it by getting hit instead*

Scar: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It was supposed to hit the team!

Dr. Johnson: Oh well, at least it hit Agent X. Now, he won't remember who he is!

Agent Nicholson: You do realize that you'll be in jail, right?

Scar: OH, RATS!

*The police officers arrive and takes them to prison*

Agent Nicholson: Take them away, boys!

*The police car drives off*

Agent X: *Wakes up* What in the!? What happened? Where am I? Who am I?

Agent Stock: Agent X, don't you remember me? You're an agent. You're our leader who helps us defeat evil.

Agent X: I am sorry, but no. I don't remember who I am. I don't remember my past.

Agent Nicholson: Well, we're doomed.

Logan: Yep, he doesn't know who he is. Agent X has no idea, but he has sacrificed himself to make sure that the dam is safe.

*Scene shifts to the Grand Island Spy Hospital*

Doctor: Yep. He has got a bad case of amnesia.

Agent Nicholson: Well, it's too late. We have no idea how to bring his memory back.

Logan: Or do we?
Agent Nicholson: Logan, are you saying that............?

Logan: Yep, we have to get inside Agent X's brain so that we can find his memory of who he was.

Agent Nicholson: And where are his memories at?

Logan: I think I know where.

Agent Nicholson: Okay, and how are we going to be able to get inside his memories which are in his brain?

Logan: Easy, we'll do the MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Agent Nicholson: Oh, sure. Why haven't we thought of this before?

***Scene then shifts to the OTS HQ as that Major Schroeder was shocked***

Major Schroeder: Doctor! Quickly! We may need assistance here.

Doctor: I am already on it! Agents, I am going to send you inside his brain so that you can try to remind him who he is. I have got a machine where you can go inside there and retrieve all of the information that he has for his memories.

Agent Logan Stock: Let's do this!

Doctor: *Grabs some lasers and a microscopic system* All right. On 3, you will be inside Agent X's limbic system. The memories you are about to see will be dark, horrible and disturbing. Some of them are even top secret. So, don't look at them! 1............ 2............ 3!

*The agents then gets shocked and then goes to sleep*




***It then shows a gate opening up as it shows the title of the episode***

Agent X (V.O.): Today's episode: THE AGENT X IDENTITY!

*The agents then wakes up inside Agent X’s limbic system*

Agent Nicholson: Oooh! My head.

Logan Stock: Well, here we are. Agent X’s limbic system.

Agent Stock: Okay, let’s see what kind of memories and secrets are you hiding, Agent X.

*The door inside Agent X’s brain says: “Private Memories of Agent X: KEEP OUT!”*

Agent Nicholson: Hmm………… what kind of secrets is he hiding?

Agent Nicholson: I am not sure about this.

Logan: Relax, what kind of secrets is he hiding?

*The agents then goes through the door*

Agent Nicholson: Strange, nothing is appearing.


Doctor: Come on, Mrs. Rogers! PUSH! PUSH!


Doctor: Congratulations, Skyler! It’s a boy!

*The baby cries*

Skyler: Wow.

Jack: He looks great, doesn’t he?
Skyler: I think I’ll call you………… Frank.

Doctor: Ma’am, we have checked and that baby of yours has gotten 6 pounds.

Agent Nicholson: Hmm………… okay. So, we know that before he was Agent X, his civilian name was Frank Rogers.

Agent Nicholson: What else you got?

Logan Stock: Let’s see…………

*It then shifts to another memory*

*It shows of when Frank was 3 years old*

*It shows that Frank was running and climbing*

Skyler: WHOA! Hey! Get back here. What the!? YIKES! Jack, do something!

Jack: *Tries to grab him* DARN! He is just too much.

Skyler: Yep. Yeah, he is. He has hyperness in him. A little too much.

Jack: You think? That and that the fact that he is still not talking.

*It then shifts to another memory*

Agent Nicholson: Okay, so, we know that he wasn’t talking much. I think that Frank couldn’t talk because he may have gotten autism.

Logan Stock: Yeah, I think that might be it.

*It then shifts to another memory*

Doctor: Mr and Mrs. Rogers, I am afraid we have some news about your child. Your child, Frank Baskerville Rogers, has………… autism.

Agent Nicholson: Called it!

Agent Nicholson: Okay. What else did you get for Frank’s limbic system?

*It then shifts to another memory*

*It shows “Brooklyn Special Services School District”*

Agent Nicholson: This might be where he first went to school.

Teacher: Welcome to BCSSSD, Frank. We hope you will like it here. I know you don’t talk here that much.

*It shows memories of Frank at some classes doing exceptional things including playing drums and doing art*

*Scene shifts to Young Frank and a kid*

Kid: Hey! I dare you to hit that innocent kid over there!

Kid 2: *Gets scared*

Young Frank: (thinking) Hmm………… darn! What do I do? Umm…………uhh………… wait a minute! He’s trying to make me get into trouble. (gasps) (still thinking) I know what I must do.

Young Frank: *Hits Kid 1*

Kid 1: ARGH! OOF! OUCH! What the heck was that for!?

Young Frank: That was for trying to make me hit that innocent kid!

Agent Nicholson: I don’t get it. I thought that he was a good guy.

Logan Stock: I think he did it because he doesn’t stand people who boss people around.

*It then shifts to another memory*

*It then shifts to “New York City Middle School”*

Young Frank: *Is seen wearing a black trenchcoat with sunglasses* Hmph!

Teacher: Frank, you need to follow directions! Take off your hat!

Young Frank: How dare you say that!? YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!

Teacher: In this school, I AM THE BOSS! Take off the hat or else I will give you detention, you little BRAT!

Young Frank: MAKE ME!


Young Frank: Hmph! Terrible no good dirty rotten………… *Stomps his feet and snatches the lunch detention slip*

*It then shifts to another memory*

Young Frank: Oh, god! Oh dear God! *gulps* (thinking) This is bad. A crush. NO! Must resist. I am a bad, bad person! *He then gives a flower to a girl at New York City Middle School*

Girl: Aww, that’s so sweet of you.

Young Frank: (thinking) DARN! Why did I do that!?

*It then shifts to another memory a few years later in Grand Island Middle School*

Middle school principal: Congratulations, Frank! You have graduated middle school. You’re talented and you have all A’s and B’s!

Audience: (CHEERING)

Middle school principal: Also, you got the principal’s honor award!

Young Frank: Woo-hoo!

*It then shifts to another memory*

*It shows Rogers and Bone’s Detective Agency*

Agent Nicholson: Wait. I didn’t knew Frank had a detective agency.

Young Frank: All right, guys. We have another case. It involves the Lords of Violent Extremists.

Leonard: Okay then. So, what’s the case?

Agent Nicholson: Wait. Lords of Violent Extremists? Of course! Before he became Agent X, he was a famous private detective.

Agent Nicholson: And in case if I am correct, in his past, Frank was in charge of a detective group solving cases while planning to stop an evil organization from making any crimes.

Agent Nicholson: It all makes sense!

Leonard: Let’s roll!

Detective Pollack: Agreed!

Young Frank: Let’s do this!

Detective Ben: Let’s go!

*The detectives then runs off*

*Scene shifts to another memory*

*It shows New York City High School*

Young Frank: Ahh, finally, high school!

Teacher: You got a lot of work to do, young man. Get started!

Young Frank: Sir, yes, sir!

***Scene shifts to another memory***

Teacher: So, I heard that you were a prodigy.

Young Frank: That is correct.
Teacher: Keep up the great work!

Agent Nicholson: Okay, so…………, he is still a prodigy and that the fact that he was in a special class.

Logan Stock: Yeah, I know.

*Scene shifts to another memory*

Young Frank: Stop right there!

Lords of Violent Extremists leader: Well, well, well………… if it isn’t the Detective Gang!

Young Frank: That is right. You will pay for making a lot of crimes and for trying to destroy us.

Lords of Violent Extremists leader: Oh really?

Leonard: YEAH!

Lords of Violent Extremists leader: So be it!

Agent Nicholson: This is going to be too violent.

Agent Stock: Yeah, agreed.

*It shows a huge big fight against the detectives and L.O.V.E.*

*Young Frank hits at Tim Boucher (Pork)*

*The detectives tries to fight against L.O.V.E. members and minions with their fists*

*Detective Ben grabs a member and spins him around and throws him down on the ground hard*

Tim Boucher: You’re strong, but not strong enough!

*The agents covers their eyes*.

***They then come out of the window as they smile*** OTS agent: You're welcome. By the way, something happened with one of your allies from that agency earlier.


Leonard Bone (O.S.): Frank, before I die…………, know this: Good always triumphs over evil. Don’t let that evil organization win. They will take over and continue to make crime. Destroy them and fulfill your destiny.

Young Frank: *Is seen crying; nods*

*Leonard Bone then closes his eyes and he is now dead*
Young Frank: This one is for you, Leonard! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Attacks at some members at L.O.V.E.* *He then strikes at the leader and knocks him out*

Tim Boucher: Is that all you got!?

Young Frank: *Punches and kicks at him* *Grabs a belt and hits him in the back* *Grabs a chair; ties the Tim Boucher up* Your evil days are over, Lords of Violent Extremists!

***Sirens then blares all over***

*The police officers shows up and takes them to prison*

Young Frank: Take them away, boys!

***It shows a flier of the Spy Academy***

Spy Academy student: You’ve did a good job, Frank Rogers.

Frank: How do you know my name?

Spy Academy student: Talked to your father. Heard you were in danger. But you have handled it. Listen, how would you like to be in the spy academy?

Young Frank: That would be………… AWESOME! But what about school?

Spy Academy student: Don’t worry. They must not know that it’s an academy for agents. You will be trained to learn on how to fight and how to defend yourself from evil. So, what do you say?

Young Frank: All right then. Let’s do it!

Spy Academy student: Come with me.

*Scene shifts to another memory*

*It shows St. Insidioso Spy Academy*

*It shows Young Frank training at the academy*

Agent Nicholson: Wow, I still can’t believe that Frank was a private detective.

Logan Stock: Why didn’t he told us about it?

Agent Nicholson: Perhaps he wanted it to stay private.

Logan Stock: Agreed.

*It then shifts to another memory where Young Frank saw Agent X (Jack Williams Rogers) fighting against a young Scar*

Agent Stock: WHOA! That’s Jack Williams Rogers.

Agent Nicholson: How’d you know?

Agent Stock: It’s because of that Frank was in the spy academy and that Jack Williams Rogers took the role of Agent X after he retired being a homicide detective.

Logan Stock: Well, that one makes sense.

Agent Nicnolson: Have to agree with you on that.

*Scene shifts to another memory of Frank’s*

Principal Nicholas Schroeder: Congratulations! You have graduated.

*The Spy Academy principal (Principal Schroeder) gives him a spy degree while Jack gives Frank a gray tuxedo suit, a black tie and sunglasses*

Agent Nicholson: Well, now we know how he became Agent X.

*Scene shifts to another memory*

Jack Williams Rogers: I am proud of you, my son. You are now a good guy.

Frank: Thanks. *Is seen washing the dishes*

Skyler: Frank, can you take out the trash?

Frank: Got it, Mom. *Grabs the trash and goes outside* *He screams as he sees Bea*

Bea: What’s going on here?

Frank: Nothing!

Bea: I know you’re hiding a secret. Don’t play dumb!

Frank: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Sadie Boucher: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Oh, hey, Sadie! Didn’t see you there? *Puts the trash bag in the trash*

Sadie: So, about what happened with the evil organization you fought when you were 13…………

Frank: *sighs* Yeah, I know. I am still a private detective.

Sadie: Wait, what are you hiding? Bea told me something about it. Are you leading a double life?

Frank: WHAT!? Pfft! NO! Don’t be ridiculous.

Sadie: Tell me the truth!

Frank: Trust me, you couldn’t handle it.

Sadie: Oh, please! I promise I won’t tell anyone.

Frank: *sighs* Fine. But don’t tell anyone. I mean it!

*Frank whispers insdinctly to Sadie*

Sadie: (gasps) Wow. Can’t believe this. You’re an agent.

Frank: Mm-hmm.

Sadie: Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.

Bea Rogers: Can’t believe you took out the trash! I don’t even care about that. Why do you even do that?

Frank: Because they’re my parents. They always taught me to do the right thing. I used to think that I was mean thanks to a kid back in New York, but now, I know that doing that bad thing was wrong.

Bea: Wow, I see your point there.

Frank: Yeah.

Agent Nicholson: WHAT!? He told Sadie!?

Logan Stock: WHOA! Looks like someone cares for him.

Agent Nicholson: Wow,..... well, that seems nice.

Logan Stock: Yeah, I agree. Okay then, that is good enough.

Doctor: All right. You good and ready to go?

Agent Nicholson: Yep.

Agent Nicholson: (thinking) I didn’t even knew that Frank had a crush on her. I mean, I know that he may have possibly also liked Heartace as he cared for her as well, but still.

Logan: ***Nods***

Doctor: Bringing you back to real life in 3………… 2………… 1………… NOW!

*The doctor shocks the agents and bring them back to real life*

Doctor: Now for me to get Agent X to wake up!

*Doctor shocks Agent X to wake up*

Agent X: Wait a minute. OUCH! My head. What happened?

Agent Nicholson: We went into your memory to try to get you to remember your past!

Agent X: Wait a minute! YOU WENT INTO MY BRAIN!?

Logan: That is right.

Agent X: Oh no! You didn’t know about my secrets, did you!?

Agent Nicholson: Yep.

Logan Stock: We now know everything!

Agent X: Not even my crush on-

***The agents nods***

Agent X: WHY YOU NO GOOD…………… You shouldn’t have went into my memories! I am going to make you pay for this!

Doctor: Relax, relax, Agent X. We only did this to try to get your amnesia out.

Agent X: Oh, I see. Now that I remember everything again………… , thank you, doctor and agents for helping me bring my memories back.

Doctor: You’re welcome.

Sadie: Hey, hope you’re okay.

Jack: We have arrived.

Agent X: WHAT IN THE!?

Jack: Apparently, your associate told me everything.

Agent X: WHAT!? Why, Sadie!?

Sadie: Sorry about that.

Jack: It is fine. It was because you care about her, but it is fine.

Agent X: Whew, thank goodness. So, now what?

Agent Nicholson: I have no idea.

Doctor: Now that you’re cured, where’s my money?

Agent X: I’ll pay for it. *Gives the doctor 20 dollars*

Doctor: Thanks.

Agent X: You’re welcome.

Agent X: Okay,......... okay. To be honest, that was back then before I had known that I was into Heartace there, apparently. Same goes with Lady Ice as well.

???: *On the other side of the city a male in odd looking suit with X visor helmet would throw some thugs trying to rob a store outside into dumpster walking off holding his hands to his waist.* "Haha!"

Agent X: Yeah,............ apparently so. Thought for sure that I was going to be hurt emotionally very badly as that bad stuff happened so much to me already.

Agent X: ***Gets a phone call suddenly*** Dang it,......... you gotta be kidding me. Answers it Yeah, this is Frank Drake Kudo speaking. HUH!? Fudge,.......... crime been committed? Alright then, on my way.

***Hangs up the phone***

Agent X: You guys go ahead and handle this. Got a crime to go solve.

Agent Nicholson: Alright then.

***Sign says: THE END!***

*Shows credits and epilogue*

*It shows a part in Frank’s past*

*Young Frank is seen carrying the laundry*

Young Frank: ARGH! Can’t believe my mother is making me do the laundry. WHHHHHHHY!?

*Young Frank then takes the laundry to the living room; he then folds the clothes and pants*

*Young Frank then starts to put the socks together*

*He then puts some folded laundry into the rooms of Frank’s old house in New York City*

Young Frank: Whew, finished.

Skyler: Frank, vacuum the floor, will you?

Young Frank: No!

Skyler: Please!

Young Frank: Argh! Okay, ma’am. *Goes to the garage off-screen to get the vacuum*


The Adventures of Agent X! - Chapter 9 - FastDetectiveKudo (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.