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1 How to Improve Your Credit Score Fast - ExperianThis link opens a new window/tab and takes you to a third-party site. We think you'll enjoy the information, but Jenius Bank is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and other terms and conditions found there.
2 Get a prequalification or preapproval letter | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( link opens a new window/tab and takes you to a third-party site. We think you'll enjoy the information, but Jenius Bank is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and other terms and conditions found there.
3 Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio: What's Good and How To Calculate It ( link opens a new window/tab and takes you to a third-party site. We think you'll enjoy the information, but Jenius Bank is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and other terms and conditions found there.
4 What is a Co-Signer? Does Co-Signing Impact Your Credit Scores? | Equifax®This link opens a new window/tab and takes you to a third-party site. We think you'll enjoy the information, but Jenius Bank is not responsible for the content, privacy policy and other terms and conditions found there.