Interest Rate Futures - What Is Interest Rate Futures? (2024)

Interest rate futures are financial derivatives that enable investors to speculate on or hedge against changes in interest rates. These futures contracts are agreements to buy or sell a financial instrument at a predetermined future date and interest rate.


  • What Is Interest Rate Futures?
  • Interest Rate Futures Example
  • Features Of Interest Rate Futures
  • How Do Interest Rate Futures Work?
  • Interest Rate Futures Formula
  • Types Of Interest Rate Futures
  • Interest Rate Futures Vs Bond Futures
  • Interest Rate Futures Meaning – Quick Summary
  • Interest Rate Futures – FAQs

What Is Interest Rate Futures?

Interest Rate Futures are contracts to exchange a financial instrument at a future date at a specified interest rate. They are used to hedge interest rate risk or to speculate on future rate changes.

Interest Rate Futures, based on government bonds or swaps, help manage risks from interest rate changes. They let investors lock in rates for bonds or loans, useful in volatile markets. This tool benefits financial institutions, investment managers, and individual investors by managing exposure to interest rate fluctuations.

Interest Rate Futures Example

Consider an investor anticipating a rise in 10-year Treasury note yields from 2% to 3% over six months. If they sell interest rate futures at the current yield of 2%, and the yield indeed rises to 3%, the futures contract price will fall. This price drop allows the investor to profit by buying back the futures contract at a lower price.

Let’s illustrate this with a calculation. Assume the investor sells one futures contract (representing Rs 100,000 in Treasury notes) at the 2% yield. If the yield rises to 3%, the value of the contract might decrease by a certain percentage (say 5%). This decrease, equivalent to Rs 5,000 (5% of Rs 100,000), becomes the investor’s profit minus any transaction fees.

Features Of Interest Rate Futures

The main feature of interest rate futures is that it manages the risk associated with fluctuating interest rates. They provide a tool for investors and institutions to stabilize the potential impact of rate changes on their portfolios or debt obligations.

  • Hedging: These futures offer a safeguard against the volatility of interest rates by taking an opposite positions, which is crucial in fast-paced financial environments.
  • Speculation: Traders can speculate on future interest rate movements. If they predict rates will rise, they might sell futures, and if they expect rates to fall, they might buy futures.
  • Leverage: Interest Rate Futures allow control of large bond values with a smaller investment, amplifying both potential gains and risks.
  • Liquidity: These markets are usually highly liquid, making it easier for traders to quickly open and close positions, which is crucial in fast-paced financial environments.
  • Market Efficiency: They contribute to the overall efficiency of financial markets by aiding in the price discovery process. This helps in reflecting the collective sentiment and expectations of market participants regarding future interest rates.

How Do Interest Rate Futures Work?

Interest rate futures work as contracts to buy or sell a financial instrument at a predetermined interest rate on a future date. These contracts are based on the expectation of future interest rates and are used for hedging or speculation.

  • Contract Agreement: Investors agree on a contract to exchange a financial instrument at a specified interest rate on a future date. For instance, they might agree to exchange a Treasury bill at a 3% interest rate six months from now.
  • Hedging Strategy: These futures are used as a hedge against the risk of interest rate fluctuations. By locking in rates today, investors can protect themselves from future unpredictability in the interest rate market.
  • Speculative Opportunities: Traders might also use these futures to speculate on the direction of interest rates. If they believe rates will rise, they might sell futures, anticipating a price drop to profit from.
  • Settlement of Contracts: At the expiration of the futures contract, the difference between the contract rate and the actual market rate is settled. This settlement can result in a profit or loss, depending on the direction of rate changes and the position taken.

Interest Rate Futures Formula

The interest rate futures formula is used to calculate the theoretical price of a future contract based on various factors like the current interest rate, time to maturity, and the risk-free rate of return. Futures Price = Spot Price × e^(r – y)t

Suppose the current interest rate is 3%, the risk-free rate is 1%, and the time to maturity is 6 months. The formula might look like this:

Futures Price = Spot Price × e^(r – y)t

  • Futures Price is the price of the futures contract.
  • Spot Price is the current market price of the underlying asset.
  • e is the base of the natural logarithm.
  • r is the risk-free rate of return.
  • y is the current yield or interest rate of the underlying asset.
  • t is the time to maturity of the futures contract, expressed in years.

Plugging in our values, we get:

Futures Price = Spot Price × e^(0.01 – 0.03) × 0.5

Spot Price = ₹100

Risk-Free Rate = 1% (0.01)

Yield Rate = 3% (0.03)

Time to Maturity = 6 months (0.5 years)

The calculated futures price is approximately ₹99.00.

This example demonstrates how the futures price is affected by the spot price, risk-free rate, yield rate, and time to maturity. In this case, the futures price is slightly lower than the spot price due to the difference between the risk-free rate and the yield rate over the specified time period. ​​

Types Of Interest Rate Futures

Types Of Interest Rate Futures can be short-term or long-term. Short-term interest rate futures have an underlying instrument with a maturity of less than one year, while long-term interest rate futures have an underlying instrument with a maturity of over one year. These include:

Treasury Bill Futures

T-Bill Futures in India are based on short-term government securities, typically with maturities of one year or less. They serve as a key tool for hedging against fluctuations in short-term interest rates.

Investors leverage these futures for liquidity management or as a short-term investment approach. The pricing of T-Bill Futures is guided by market expectations of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) policy shifts and economic indicators.

Government Securities (G-Sec) Futures

G-Sec Futures are linked to long-term Indian government bonds, usually with maturities extending beyond ten years. Investors use these futures to hedge against the risk of long-term interest rate changes or to speculate on future interest rate movements.

G-Sec Futures are influenced by macroeconomic factors, such as inflation expectations and changes in the government’s fiscal policy, playing a crucial role for pension funds and insurance companies in portfolio duration management.

MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate) Futures

MIBOR Futures are connected to short-term interest rates in the Indian financial market, reflecting the MIBOR for interbank deposits in India. They are a principal benchmark for short-term interest rates nationwide.

MIBOR Futures are utilized by banks and multinational corporations to hedge against short-term interest rate volatility and to anticipate adjustments in the monetary policies of the RBI and other significant central banks.

Municipal Bond Futures

Municipal Bond Futures in India pertain to the domestic municipal bond market, based on debt issued by local governments or other public entities. These futures are employed by municipal bond dealers and investors to mitigate interest rate risk associated with holding municipal bonds. They also offer arbitrage opportunities between the futures and the underlying municipal bond market.

Interest Rate Swaps Futures

Interest Rate Swaps Futures are derivatives based on swapping fixed-rate and variable-rate interest payments. They are used by financial institutions, corporations, and investors to manage or speculate on the movement of interest rates.

Interest Rate Swaps Futures allow participants to transform their interest rate exposure from fixed to variable, or vice versa, helping to match their assets and liabilities more effectively. They play a crucial role in the financial markets by providing an efficient way to manage interest rate risk.

Interest Rate Futures Vs Bond Futures

The main difference between Interest Rate Futures and Bond Futures is that Interest Rate Futures are linked to the movement of interest rates, while Bond Futures are based on specific bonds and used for hedging or speculating on bond prices.

More such differences are summarised below:

ParameterInterest Rate FuturesBond Futures
Underlying AssetBased on interest ratesBased on specific bonds
Risk ExposureSensitive to interest rate changesSensitive to issuer’s credit risk and bond duration
PurposeUsed for hedging interest rate riskUsed for hedging or speculating on bond prices
Market ParticipantsAttracts banks, financial institutionsAttracts a wider range of investors including hedge funds
SettlementOften cash-settledMay involve the delivery of the underlying bond
VolatilityCan be more volatile due to rate fluctuationsVolatility depends on bond market dynamics
ComplexityRequires understanding of interest rate movementsRequires knowledge of bond markets and issuer credit risk

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Interest Rate Futures Meaning – Quick Summary

  • Interest Rate Future are financial derivatives for speculating or hedging against interest rate changes, involving contracts for future transactions at predetermined rates.
  • Interest Rate Futures are contracts to exchange financial instruments at future dates at specified interest rates, primarily for hedging interest rate risks or speculating on rate changes.
  • Interest Rate Futures example is when an investor profiting from the rise in Treasury note yields by selling interest rate futures and buying them back at a lower price.
  • The primary feature of interest rate futures is that they mitigate the risk associated with fluctuating interest rates. They enable investors and institutions to mitigate the potential impact of rate changes on their portfolios or debt obligations.
  • Interest Rate Futures Work as contracts for buying or selling financial instruments at future dates with pre-agreed interest rates, used for hedging and speculative purposes, with settlements based on interest rate movements.
  • Interest Rate Futures Formula is a calculation method to determine futures prices based on current interest rates, time to maturity, and the risk-free rate of return. Futures Price = Spot Price × e^(r – y)t
  • Types Of Interest Rate Futures including Treasury Bill Futures, Government Securities (G-Sec) Futures, MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate) Futures, Municipal Bond Futures, and Interest Rate Swaps Futures, each with distinct characteristics and applications.
  • The main distinction between Interest Rate Futures and Bond Futures is that Interest Rate Futures being tied to interest rates (like LIBOR or Treasury bill rates), whereas Bond Futures are linked to specific bonds.
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Interest Rate Futures – FAQs

What Is Interest Rate Futures?

Interest Rate Futures are financial contracts where the value is based on an underlying interest rate. These futures allow traders to hedge against or speculate on future changes in interest rates.

What Are The Benefits Of Interest Rate Futures?

A key benefit of Interest Rate Futures is their ability to hedge against interest rate risk. They provide a way for investors and financial institutions to protect against fluctuations in interest rates that could affect their investments or loans.

What Is The Difference Between Interest Rate Futures And Bond Futures?

The main difference between interest rate futures and bond futures is that Interest Rate Futures are based on interest rates and are mainly used for hedging interest rate risk, whereas Bond Futures are connected to the prices of specific bonds.

What Is The Risk Of Interest Rate Futures?

The primary risk of Interest Rate Futures is market risk associated with interest rate fluctuations. These futures can be volatile and sensitive to various economic factors that influence interest rate movements.

Where Can I Buy Interest Rate Futures?

Interest Rate Futures can be purchased through futures exchanges. Investors typically need an account with a brokerage firm like Alice Blue that provides access to these exchanges and the necessary trading platform for executing futures transactions.

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Interest Rate Futures - What Is Interest Rate Futures? (2024)


Interest Rate Futures - What Is Interest Rate Futures? ›

Interest rate futures are futures contracts based on an interest-bearing financial instrument. The contract can be cash-settled or it can involve the delivery of the underlying security. These futures contracts can be used for hedging or speculative purposes.

What is interest rate futures and interest rates? ›

Interest rate futures are a financial derivative that allows exposure to changes in interest rates. Interest rate futures prices move inversely to interest rates. Investors can speculate on the direction of interest rates with interest rate futures or use the contracts to hedge against rate changes.

How to calculate interest rate futures? ›

Pricing for these futures is derived by a simple formula: 100 – the implied interest rate. So a futures price of 96 means that the implied interest rate for the security is 4 percent. Since these futures trade in government securities, the default risk is nil. The prices depend only on the interest rates.

What is interest rate futures carry? ›

In interest rate futures markets, it refers to the differential between the yield on a cash instrument and the cost of the funds necessary to buy the instrument. If long, the cost of carry is the cost of interest paid on a margin account.

What is interest rate futures in currency futures? ›

Currency futures are futures contracts for currencies that specify the price of exchanging one currency for another at a future date. The rate for currency futures contracts is derived from spot rates of the currency pair. Currency futures are used to hedge the risk of receiving payments in a foreign currency.

What are future interest rates? ›

The 30-year fixed mortgage rate is expected to fall to the mid-6% range through the end of 2024, potentially dipping into high-5% territory by the end of 2025. However, recent economic developments have led some forecasters to believe that rates will remain elevated at around 7% for the remainder of this year.

What is interest rate futures basis point? ›

A basis point (BPS) is used to indicate changes in interest rates of a financial instrument. Basis points are typically expressed with the abbreviations "bp," "bps," or "bips." One basis point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, or 0.01%. In decimal form, one basis point appears as 0.0001 (0.01/100).

How do you calculate futures rate? ›

The formula for computing futures prices can be expressed as: Futures Prices = Spot Price * [1 + (RF * (X/365) - D)], where: The risk-free return rate, RF, signifies the rate one can earn throughout the year in a perfect market.

What is the interest rate futures implied rate? ›

The implied rate is an interest rate equal to the difference between the spot rate and the forward or futures rate. The implied rate gives investors a way to compare returns across investments. An implied rate can be calculated for any type of security that also has an option or futures contract.

What is the interest rate futures contract price? ›

Interest Rate Futures
*US 30YR FUT118.5-0.094
*US 10YR FUT109.953-0.063
*US 5 YR FUT106.492-0.055
*US 2Y FUT102.07-0.023

How do banks use interest rate futures? ›

Interest rate futures enable banks to manage the risk of fluctuating interest rates — so they can loan money to businesses in your community and to people like you.

What is the risk of interest rate futures? ›

If interest rates rise, futures prices will fall, so sell futures contracts now (at the relatively high price) and buy later (at the lower price). The gain on futures can be used to offset the lower interest earned.

Where are interest rate futures traded? ›

Interest Rate Futures

The most popular contracts are 30-Year T-Bonds, 10-Year T-Notes, and the Eurodollar. The U.S. Treasury notes and bonds are traded on the CBOT, while the Eurodollar is traded at the CME. These futures contracts are large in size and experience is needed to properly navigate these markets.

What is interest rate futures with example? ›

Interest Rate Futures Example

When interest rates rise, your EMI rises with them. You could sell an interest rate futures contract to mitigate the risk of rising EMIs as interest rates climb. If interest rates rise, the value of these futures contracts will decrease, and you will be able to repurchase them.

How do you calculate interest rate on futures? ›

IMM Index = Futures Price = 100.00 – Interest Rate. so that if the yield is 6 percent, the futures price is IMM Index – 100.00 – 6.0 = 93.00.

What are common interest rate futures? ›

An interest rate future is a futures contract (a financial derivative) with an interest-bearing instrument as the underlying asset. It is a particular type of interest rate derivative. Examples include Treasury-bill futures, Treasury-bond futures and Eurodollar futures.

What is the difference between interest rate swap and interest rate future? ›

Futures contracts are listed on the exchange which acts as an intermediary between both the parties. Swap is a type of derivative contract between two parties which involves exchange of pre-negotiated cash flows of two financial instruments.

What happens to futures when interest rates rise? ›

As interest rates rise, the value of bonds will fall. Since bond futures contracts use bonds as the underlying asset, these will also fall in value as interest rates rise. Investors who are worried about a rising interest rate can sell interest rate futures to counter the loss in value of bonds they are holding.

What do interest rates mean? ›

The interest rate is the amount a lender charges a borrower and is a percentage of the principal—the amount loaned. The interest rate on a loan is typically noted on an annual basis and expressed as an annual percentage rate (APR).

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