Caritas Moldova on LinkedIn: 👉 Caritas Moldova announces a tender for the selection of an external… (2024)

Caritas Moldova

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👉 Caritas Moldova announces a tender for the selection of an external evaluator to assess the relevance, effectiveness, accountability and impact of the Project "Multisectoral assistance for conflict-affected people in Moldova (Emergency Appeal 16/2023)".✍️ The evaluation will include data collection from beneficiaries and analysis of project documentation.📑 Deadline for proposals: 6 June 2024👍 More details can be found at the following link:

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    Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation had the honour to receive the visit of the Caritas Norge delegation, led by Secretary General Ingrid Rosendorf Joys. The visit started at the Foundation's headquarters, where discussions took place on strengthening collaboration and implementation of joint projects.Afterwards, the Caritas Norge delegation had the opportunity to visit the "Temporary Placement Centre for Refugees" in Chișinău, located at 1 Mușatinilor Street, within the FIDES Centre and Providence House. This visit provided a valuable insight into the activities and efforts of Caritas Moldova to support refugees from Ukraine.During the visit, the delegation explored various facilities offered by the placement centre, including the kindergarten dedicated to refugee children, online and after-school classes, canteen and playground. They had the opportunity to interact with the children and staff, observe the educational and recreational activities carried out and gain a better understanding of the needs and challenges faced by the beneficiaries.Caritas Moldova Director Edward Lucaci said:"We are grateful for the visit of the Caritas Norge delegation and their continued support. Together, we are making a positive impact in the lives of those who need our help".In her turn, the Secretary General of Caritas Norge, Ingrid Rosendorf Joys, expressed her appreciation for the work done by the Caritas Moldova team and stressed the importance of international collaboration in managing humanitarian crises. The visit strengthened relations between the two organisations and opened up new opportunities for future cooperation.

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    Dear Friends,we are happy to announce that the Farmacia Familiei Network continues to bring magic into the lives of children in the Caritas Moldova Charity Foundation Centres! Within the campaign "Collect Childhood Dreams" 2024, 4th edition, 25 more children's dreams have been selected to become reality. ✨Here again this year, the initiative of the Charity Foundation "Caritas Moldova" brings joy and hope to the hearts of the little ones, turning their wishes into reality. From toys and school supplies to unforgettable experiences, every dream fulfilled is a step towards a happier and more fulfilled childhood.So far, 33 dreams have already been collected and turned into reality, bringing smiles to the faces of little ones. We have 17 more dreams waiting to be fulfilled and, with your help, we are confident that we will make them all come true!For more details about the campaign and how you can contribute, visit our website:, we can make the world a better place for our children! 🌟❤️#FamilyPharmacy #CultivateChildren #CaritasMoldova #FulfilledVisions #HappyChildren #Hope #Community

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    🌳 In the context of Laudato Si Week, children from the Rascov Centre of the Caritas Moldova Charity Foundation celebrated nature and its beauty by installing bird feeders.👍 Caring for birds is not only a gesture of generosity, but also a way to cultivate human qualities, inspired by Christianity, such as kindness, compassion and sensitivity towards the environment.🦜 By feeding the birds and creating an environment conducive to them, our children learn to be good stewards of nature and attentive to the needs of others, regardless of species. Their gesture not only brings joy to the baby birds, but also a lesson in empathy for themselves and those around them.✝️ As Pope Francis says in his encyclical Laudato Si: "Nature is often understood as a system to be analysed, understood and managed, but creation can only be understood as a gift that comes from the open hand of the Father of all, as a reality illumined by the love that summons us to a universal communion". These words remind us of our responsibility to protect and care for all of God's creations.👏 Congratulations to the children of the Rascov Centre for their noble gesture and the example they set for all!#LaudatoSi #GivingForNature #Goodness #Compassion #CaritasMoldova

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    Alexander Roeskestad, Caritas Norge Regional Representative for Ukraine, Moldova and Poland, met on Thursday with Serghei Anastasov, Mayor of Comrat, and Victor Baldji, Deputy Mayor of Comrat, to discuss further support for vulnerable people in the Gagauz Autonomy. The meeting was also attended by Mihai Iovu, project coordinator, and Petru Margina, mobile teams coordinator from Caritas Moldova.The topics discussed focused on how Caritas Norge and Caritas Moldova can continue to support the local community, especially people in need, such as mothers with several children, people with disabilities and those with low incomes."We are committed to continuing our efforts to improve living conditions for the most vulnerable community members in Comrat. Our partnership with local authorities is essential to ensure a sustainable and effective impact", said Alexander Roeskested.During the meeting, joint projects and initiatives aimed at bringing tangible benefits to the residents of Comrat were discussed. Petru Margina stressed the importance of effective coordination between Caritas Moldova mobile teams and local authorities to identify and respond promptly to pressing community needs.For his part, Mihai Iovu said that by cooperating with local authorities we can reach more people and give them the help they need.Mayor Serghei Anastasov and Deputy Mayor Victor Baldji expressed their appreciation for the continued support of Caritas Norge and Caritas Moldova. They reaffirmed the commitment of the local authorities to work with non-governmental organisations to improve the social situation in Comrat."We are grateful for their support and we are determined to continue this collaboration for the good of our community", said Mayor Sergei Anastasov.The meeting ended with a promise to intensify joint efforts and explore new opportunities to support those in need. Caritas Norge and Caritas Moldova remain dedicated to their mission of providing help and hope to the most vulnerable.

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    Guided by the Holy Scriptures:"He who has two coats, let him share with him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise"(Luke 3:11), the Caritas Moldova Charity Foundation team, with the financial support of Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and Caritas Norge, visited the village of Bugeac in the Gagauz Autonomy to support the local community by distributing food and pharmaceutical vouchers to the most vulnerable people. This initiative is part of the humanitarian assistance programme, aimed at improving living conditions for mothers with three or more children, people with disabilities and those on low incomes.During the visit, our team interacted directly with people in need, offering not only material support but also encouragement and moral support. Beneficiaries included mothers raising their children alone, people with disabilities facing daily difficulties, and low-income residents struggling to provide for their basic needs, including Ukrainian refugees.The vouchers distributed are designed to facilitate access to food and medicine, thus helping to improve the living conditions of those most in need. Each person received two vouchers worth 250 lei, which can be used in partner shops, covering a wide range of essential products.We are grateful to our partners Norad - Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and Caritas Norge for supporting the most vulnerable members of the community in Comrat, including Ukrainian refugees, and for strengthening solidarity and social inclusion in the Gagauz Autonomy.

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    On the occasion of the feast day of the Roman Catholic Cathedral "Divine Providence" in Chisinau, the Charity Foundation "Caritas Moldova" sends its warmest congratulations to all the faithful and members of the Diocese of Chisinau. This holy day marks a special moment in the spiritual life of our community, celebrating the consecration of a place of worship that represents the heart and soul of the Diocese.The "Divine Providence" Cathedral in Chisinau is not only a symbol of our faith and devotion, but also a testimony to the history and perseverance of the Catholic community in this area. From its construction in 1843 until 1963, when the communist regime confiscated it abusively, turning it into a recording studio and then a warehouse, the Cathedral served as a place of spiritual refuge and prayer for the faithful. After a long period of suffering and waiting, on 30 June 1989, it was returned to Catholic parishioners and its spiritual rebirth culminated in its elevation to the rank of Cathedral by Pope John Paul II on 27 October 2001.The capital renovation in 2002-2005 and the re-consecration on 24 May 2008 by the Most Reverend Bishop Anton Coșa have restored this holy place to its original splendour and purpose, making it a pillar of religious life in Chisinau.Today, on the anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral, Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation expresses its gratitude and appreciation to all those who contribute to maintaining the spirit of faith and charity in our community. Let us rejoice together in this solemn moment and continue to support the neediest among us.With our best thoughts and blessings,Caritas Moldova Charitable Foundation

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    Today, 21 May, His Excellency Robert Kokalj, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Republic of Moldova and Romania, had a meeting with Mr. Edward Lucaci, Director of the Charity Foundation "Caritas Moldova". This meeting underlines the commitment of both sides to work together to support and develop social and humanitarian projects in the Republic of Moldova. Among the topics discussed were the possibilities for cooperation in the areas of poverty alleviation, environmental protection, support for afforestation and social assistance through the implementation of joint projects for the benefit of vulnerable people, as well as local communities in the districts of Sangerei, Ungheni and Cahul, and society as a whole.His Excellency Robert Kokalj expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by Caritas Moldova, underlining the significant impact of the Foundation in disadvantaged communities throughout the Republic of Moldova.For his part, Mr Edward Lucaci presented the recent results of Caritas Moldova projects and expressed his openness to create new partnership opportunities with Slovenia in order to diversify the services offered by the Foundation: "We want to attract more partners for Moldova so that we can generate a greater impact for those in need. That is why we are grateful for your Excellency's willingness, and of the diplomatic mission you lead, to collaborate for the benefit of vulnerable people in the Republic of Moldova."

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    🌿 Today begins Laudato Si' Week, a time of reflection and action inspired by Pope Francis' eponymous encyclical. It's time to join efforts to protect the planet and promote sustainability.✝️ Guided by the words of His Holiness: "The loss of forests implies at the same time the loss of species that could constitute in the future extremely important resources not only for food, but also for the care of diseases and for multiple services", the children of the Rascov Support Centre attended a film screening: 🎬 Under the influence of global geological changes, a series of disasters is approaching. Earthquakes, landslides and mudslides threaten people's lives. A professional climber and his father must team up to save people trapped in a deadly geological disaster. In the face of danger, ordinary people become real heroes. But can a person resist the power of nature itself?🌍 Let's all commit to concrete action for a healthier environment and a greener world!

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  • Caritas Moldova

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    "We are still a long way from the time when our conscience can be certain of having done everything possible to prevent crime and to control it effectively so that it no longer does harm and, at the same time, to offer to those who commit crimes a way of redeeming themselves and making a positive return to society. If all those in some way involved in the problem tried to develop this line of thought, perhaps humanity as a whole could take a great step forward in creating a more serene and peaceful society."Pope John Paul II, July 9, 2000The Caritas Europa Community of Penitentiary Justice Practitioners met, for the ninth time since its creation, in Vila Real, Portugal, between May 15-17, 2024, to draft a position document that would further involve the Church in the social (re)integration of ex-prisoners through the creation of concrete and effective mechanisms, including the reform of penal policies worldwide. The Director of Caritas Moldova, Mr. Edward Lucaci, participated in these works with colleagues from Portugal, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, and Lithuania.The elaborated position document includes extremely important aspects related to the self-determination of prisoners in the rehabilitation and reintegration process, the connection between poverty inside and outside the penitentiary and the criminogenic potential of this vulnerability, and the need for punishments and plans for their release that encourage rehabilitation without creating even more recidivism.The experts also visited Vila Real prison and participated in a mass officiated by Bishop António Augusto de Oliveira Azevedo.On the last day of the workshop, they talked with officials from the Portuguese penal system about current practices, challenges, and plans.Many thanks to Caritas Vila Real and Cáritas Portuguesa colleagues, who flawlessly organized this working visit.

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Caritas Moldova on LinkedIn: 👉 Caritas Moldova announces a tender for the selection of an external… (2024)
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