Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (2025)


Ashes of Creation classes archetypes and builds


Many MMORPGs struggle to deliver diverse gameplay experience to their player base. Despite many available Specializations and Subclasses, a lot of the time, Players get stuck playing with a few viablebuilds, becausethe rest of them is way below the power curve. Creating a well-balanced, unique,distinct, and yet robust Class System is quite a task and many companies struggle to deliver in this field. However, developers of the Ashes of Creation seem to have come upwith the system that may prove to be one of the best Class systems to date. In this Guide, we will introduce you to all of the Archetypes and Classes available in Ashes of Creation. Also, we'lldo our best to explain how the AoC's Class System works, and what exactly does it offer.

The Class System

In Ashes of Creation, a Class is the combination of two Archetypes, primary and secondary. Primary archetype is chosen during the character creation process, and can not be changed. It determines your character's role in Raids and Groups. Secondary Archetype is selected later in the game after the player got used to his primary Archetype's skills, abilities, and features. Unlike the primary one, the Secondary Archetype can be changed, however, this change is subjected to some limitations (for example, you are notable to change your secondary Archetype in combat, or during Raids and Dungeons). It Augments* your primary Archetype's skills and abilities.

*Secondary Archetype does not provide you with any additional Spells or Abilities from that Archetype (this means that combining a Tank with a Cleric will not give you access to healing spells). Instead, it provides you with some Archetype-specific utility effects and alters your existing spells and abilities, by adding some bonus effects to them.

There are 8 Archetypes, that can be selected at the start of your journey through the world of Verra. The same 8 Archetypes become available as secondary Archetypes later in the game (selecting the same Archetype for a second time is possible). This means that there is a total of 64 Classes in the Ashes of Creation,and you can freely change between 8 of them (because, as we mentioned before, Primary Archetype is permanent). All available Classes will differ in playstyle, flavor, mechanics, and backstories.

Below, we present you with all currently available information about Ashes of Creation Archetypes and Classes.

Important Note:Some of the information may be missing and all of it is subject to change, as the Game is still in development, and a lot of the Class and Archetype-related knowledge has not been released yet. We will keep all information featured in this Guide up-to-date, and all newly released clues will be added immediately.

Ashes of Creation Archetypes and Classes

Combat RoleSupport
Primary WeaponCurrently unknown
Archetype Description –Bards are masters of word and tune. They are able to reinforce their teammates and weaken their enemies through magic based on music, stories, songs, and dance. Bard's influence on nearby allied and hostile creatures and Players can change the tides of any battle. They inspire courage among teammates and doubt among enemies.
Bard-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (2)Ministrel (Bard + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (3)Soul Weaver (Bard + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (4)Tellsword (Bard + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (5)Magician (Bard + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (6)Song Warden (Bard + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (7)Trickster (Bard + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (8)Songcaller (Bard + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (9)Siren (Bard + Tank)
Bard's Abilities
Bard's abilities are currently unknown

Combat RoleHealer
Primary WeaponStaff
Archetype Description –Clerics are masters of holy arts. They are capable of healing even most deadly wounds and cleansing even most virulent poisons and diseases. Despite their stoic and calm appearance, they are also capable of defending themselves with offensive abilities if a situation demands it.
Cleric-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (10)Scryer (Cleric + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (11)High Priest (Cleric + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (12)Templar (Cleric + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (13)Oracle (Cleric + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (14)Protector (Cleric + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (15)Shadow Disciple (Cleric + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (16)Shaman (Cleric + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (17)Apostole (Cleric + Tank)
Cleric's Abilities
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Staff Combo
Strike your enemy with a Staff multiple times, dealing Damage. This Weapon Ability Powers up your Focus
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Removes harmful environmental effects from the targetted area
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Divine Form
Increases your Healing and Damage done with skills and abilities by 25% for 8 seconds, inflicts nearby Enemies with Damage over Time, and empowers nearby Allies with a Heal over Time effect. Usable only at 80% or more Focus
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Endow Life
Heals your Target for a large amount of Health. If targetted at a Dead Ally, it will revive them instead
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Life's Balance
Balances the Health percentages of all group members to the average group's Health percentage (adds Health % of all Group members, divides it by the amount of Group members, and then redistributes it evenly between all of them)
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Heals your primary Target and other friendly Targets nearby. This also deals Damage to Enemies that are close to healed Targets
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Righteous Blessing
Heals your Target instantly, and applies a Heal over Time to it. This also inflicts enemies that close to your Target with a Damage over Time effect
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Stolen Blessing
Places a Totem in the targetted area. This Totem deals Damage over Time to all nearby Enemies, and siphons all Damage Done as Health to all nearby Allies

Combat RoleDamage Dealer
Primary WeaponCurrently unknown
Archetype Description –Fighters are masters of melee combat. They excel at wielding all sorts of close combat weapons and dealing physical Damage to their foes. They are also able to strike fear among their enemies
Fighter-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (26)Bladedancer (Fighter + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (27)Highsword(Fighter + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (28)Weapon Master (Fighter + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (29)Spellsword (Fighter + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (30)Hunter (Fighter + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (31)Shadowblade (Fighter + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (32) Bladecaller (Fighter + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (33)Dreadnought (Fighter + Tank)
Fighter's Abilities
Fighter's abilities are currently unknown

Combat RoleDamage Dealer
Primary WeaponSpellbook
Archetype Description –Mages are masters of arcane arts. They are able to harness the power of elements and use it to create devastating spells. Their vast arcane knowledge lets them bend and alter perceived reality to their will. Mages physical form is rather fragile, weak, and susceptible to attacks, but they more than compensate for it with their great offensive powers.
Mage-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (34)Sorcerer (Mage + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (35)Acolyte (Mage + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (36)Battle Mage (Mage + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (37)Archwizard (Mage + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (38)Spellhunter (Mage + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (39)Shadow Caster (Mage + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (40)Warlock (Mage + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (41)Spellstone (Mage + Tank)
Mage's Abilities
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Spellbook Combo
Launch multiple Magic Missiles from your Spellbook at your Target, dealing Damage.This Weapon Ability Powers up your Focus
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After Image
Confuses your enemies by summoning shadows of you. This ability grants you 4 seconds of Invulnerability
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Arch Lightning
Shots a bolt of lightning in a straight line from the caster. The lightning damages all Enemies within its path
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Ice Prison
Encloses your Target in the Ice Prison, inflicting Damage over Time and paralyzing it
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Launches a powerful burst of fire at the targetted location, dealing Fire Damage to all Enemies within range. It also has a chance to set affected Enemies ablaze, dealing additional fire Damage over Time
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Mage's Detection
Reveals magickally hidden terrain and secret passages around the caster
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Mage's Escape
You teleport forewards by stepping through another dimension. Enemies targetting you lose contact
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You split the earth itself in a line in front of you. Dealing Damage and knocking Down all enemies in range.Usable only at 80% or more Focus

Combat RoleDamage Dealer
Primary WeaponBow
Archetype Description –Rangers are ranged combat specialists that prefer to avoid close combat engagements and opt to utilize their superior positioning instead. They are known for their keen senses, familiarity with the natural environment, and unmatched skills with Bows.
Ranger-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (50)Bowsinger (Ranger + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (51)Soulbow (Ranger + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (52)Strider (Ranger + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (53)Scion (Ranger + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (54)Hawkeye (Ranger + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (55)Scout (Ranger + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (56)Falconer (Ranger + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (57)Sentinel (Ranger + Tank)
Ranger's Abilities
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (58)
Bow's Combo
Strike your Target with multiple Arrows shot from your bow, dealing Damage.This Weapon Ability Powers up your Focus
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Fleeting Shot
You dash away from your Target and shot a single Arrow at it simultaneously, dealing Damage
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Hail of Arrows
Launches Hail of Arrows at the targetted area, dealing massive amounts of Damage to all Targetswithin range and sometimes slowing them.Usable only at 80% or more Focus
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Marked Arrow
Marks your Target, causing it to take increased Damage from all sources
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Power Shot
Charge up an Arrow, and shot it in a straight line. The arrow damages all Targets in its way and sometimes applies a bleed Damage over Time effect to them. Damage done increases with the charging time
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Your shot hinders your Target's movements, rooting it in place and slowing its movement speed
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Sniper's Eye
You create a focus zone around you. While you remain in the zone, you deal additional 200 Damage with all of your attacks
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Allows you to search for nearby tracks left by unknown adventurers, letting you eventually find them

Combat RoleDamage Dealer
Primary WeaponCurrently unknown
Archetype Description – Rogues prefer the stealthy approach to Combat, and try to avoid fair fights if possible. They are the masters of ambushes and assassinations and specialize themselves in dealing high amounts of close combat Damage very quickly. Their unmatched agility lets them suddenly withdraw from combat and use the surrounding environment to disappear from sight.
Rogue-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (66)Charlatan (Rogue + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (67)Cultist (Rogue + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (68)Duelist (Rogue + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (69)Nightspell (Rogue + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (70)Predator (Rogue + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (71)Assassin (Rogue + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (72)Shadow Lord (Rogue + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (73)Shadow Guardian (Rogue + Tank)
Rogue's Abilities
Rogue'sabilities are currently unknown

Combat RoleDamage Dealer/Support
Primary WeaponCurrently unknown
Archetype Description – Summoners avoid fighting in person and prefer sending their pets to do their bidding instead. Their race determines what kind of Pets they are able to summon. Summoner's pet is also based on the chosen secondary Archetype and its appearance changes depending on the cosmetic and non-cosmetic items used.
Summoner-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (74)Enchanter (Summoner + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (75)Necromancer (Summoner + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (76)Wild Blade (Summoner + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (77)Spellmancer (Summoner + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (78)Beastmaster (Summoner + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (79)Shadowmancer (Summoner + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (80)Conjurer (Summoner + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (81)Brood Warden (Summoner + Tank)
Summoner's Abilities
Summoner'sabilities are currently unknown

Combat RoleTank
Primary WeaponSword and Shield
Archetype Description – Tanks are frontline fighters specialized at gaining and keeping the enemy's attention, but also at creating breakthroughs in enemy lines. They are exceptionally tough and are able to shrug off unbelievable amounts of incoming punishment. The secondary Archetype choice will determine Tank's specialization by,for example, adding self-heal abilities, increasing physical resistances, or improving the ability to avoid incoming Damage completely.
Tank-Archetype Classes
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (82)Argent (Tank + Bard)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (83)Paladin (Tank + Cleric)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (84)Knight (Tank + Fighter)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (85)Spellshield (Tank + Mage)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (86)Warden (Tank + Ranger)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (87)Nightshield (Tank + Rogue)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (88)Keeper (Tank + Summoner)
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (89)Guardian (Tank + Tank)
Tank's Abilities
Best AoC Builds - Ashes of Creation Classes guides (90)
Longsword Combo
Strike your Target with your Sword and Shield multiple times, dealing Damage.This Weapon Ability Powers up your Focus
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Create a Wall that Knocks Down and Damages all enemies who make contact with it
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Allows you to protect a friendly Target by absorbing 50% of the Damage he receives over the next 6 seconds
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Forces your Target to attack you for 5 seconds, and increases its Hate towards you. This ability also increases the Hate of all Targets around your primary Target towards you
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Pulls your Target towards you by hooking them on a chain
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Allows you to spot threats within the range of your perception
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Righteous Fury
Launches spears at all Targets within your frontal arc. Spears deal Damage and pull all affected Targets towards you.Usable only at 80% or more Focus
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Shield Might
Swings your Shield in a frontal arc, knocking down and damaging all Targets within melee range


Please remember that the Ashes of Creation is still under development, and some of the information regarding Classes and Archetypes is not yet available (this information is marked as "unknown" in the guide). We will update this guide every time a piece a new piece of information becomes available to us.

Please do note that this is an early version of our guide, and we will be happy to receive constructive criticism, that will help us improve it, so leave your suggestions in the comments section below. We also plan on expanding this guide with further sections, so stay tuned.

Pictures used in this article are theintellectual property of Intrepid Studios

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.